Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: Should You Paint Your Trim or Your Walls 1st?
Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: Should You Paint Your Trim or Your Walls 1st?Painting is a big task, especially if you don’t have any prior experience. While big projects [...]
Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park: #1 Reasons to Get Your Home Painted This Spring
Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park: #1 Reasons to Get Your Home Painted This Spring--Did you know that spring is the best time to add a fresh coat of exterior [...]
Painters in Overland Park: 3 Killer Tips to Remove Smoke Stains
Moving into a new home might mean that it needs some TLC, especially if there are smoke stains from the previous owner. Cigarettes are not only harmful to your health, [...]
Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park: 3 Tips for Winter Painting
Overland Park winters can be brutally cold, filled with below-freezing temperatures, ice, and snow. With those factors in mind, exterior home painters in Overland Park suggest waiting until the springtime [...]
Popular Kitchen Cabinet Styles and Colors in Overland Park
There is almost no end to the colors and styles that you can choose for your Overland Park kitchen remodel. This is why a professional in cabinet refinishing in Overland [...]
Painters in Overland Park: 3 Tips to Store Your Used Paint Cans
As professional painters in Overland Park, our team at Residential Solutions knows how easy it is to overestimate the amount of paint you need for a job. Maybe your coffee [...]