Annual deck maintenance is essential. Deck stainers in Overland Park understand the dangers of not attending to your deck routinely. Take action today by taking care of your deck with these tips, and don’t be calling wood rot repair in Overland Park. Here are some tips for care & maintenance for your deck.

Look for Signs of Wood Rot
You can do this by probing structural members of your deck with a flat-head screwdriver. Check the stairs, especially where the stringers meet the ground. Wood repair in Overland Park is common and can be costly, but if caught early enough it can be resolved rather simply. If you can push the screwdriver a quarter of an inch or more into an area of wood, you most likely need wood rot repair in Overland Park.
Inspect The Ledger
You will need to use a flashlight to inspect the ledger properly. Get underneath your deck and inspect that all critical pieces of framing are attached correctly and intact.
Did you know that 90% of all deck collapses happen due to damaged ledger?
Check Remaining Joists, Posts, & Beams
This not only is required for decks but the rest of the house as well in many cases. House painters in Overland Park inspect these areas regularly, and It’s a great way to avoid wood repair in Overland Park. If a framing member can’t be easily removed and replaced, go ahead and reinforce it. This is a better outcome than replacing members directly.
Check For Cracks Or Rotten Deck Boards
Not all cracks are a fundamental threat obviously, but they can be ugly and irritating. The best exterior house painters in Overland Park run into this issue all the time, and these small cracks can be fixed if wanted.
Check The Railing
Checking the railing is essential not only for the visual appeal of the deck but also for you and your visitor’s safety. Drilling pilot holes may remedy loose connections in the railing into the wood and then adding galvanized lag screws into them. Remove the fastener and seal the crack with an exterior grade adhesive, then drill a new pilot hole and insert a new galvanized deck screw.
Residential Solutions – Interior and Exterior Painters in Olathe
Residential Solutions: locally owned and operated since 2006. Our interior home painters in Overland Park are masters of the brush, creating stunning interiors and exteriors in Johnson County’s finest communities. From Gardner to Olathe, Lenexa to Leawood, Shawnee to Overland Park (and beyond), we’ve got you covered! Owned by the dynamic duo of Craig Anderson and Coby Feris, the Residential Solutions team, the best exterior home painters in Overland Park offers top-notch service and prices that won’t break the bank.

Premium Paint Options? You betcha! The best residential interior painter in Overland Park has partnered with Sherwin-Williams, purveyors of the finest paint in the land. Choose between Resilience Premium Paint with a 25-year warranty or Duration Paint with a lifetime guarantee. The painters in Overland Park are here to help you make the best choice for your needs.
Once you’ve made your decision, our exterior house painter in Overland Park will work their magic. Prep work, paint application, and cleanup? The Overland Park residential exterior house painter has got it all covered. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the amazing transformation of your home’s curb appeal and interior. Trust the best exterior and interior painters in Overland Park to give your home the makeover it deserves. You won’t believe the difference premium paint can make!