Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park Can Assist with Perfect Picking Paint Colors — At Residential Solutions, selecting the perfect exterior paint color for your home can be a daunting task, with various factors influencing the decision-making process. Exterior home painters in Overland Park understand the complexities involved in choosing the right paint color, type, and finish that will complement and enhance your home’s exterior. Making an informed choice is vital as the color of your home’s exterior not only impacts its aesthetic appeal but also plays a significant role in its overall maintenance and value.

At Residential Solutions, trusted exterior home painters in Overland Park, we recognize the importance of guiding homeowners through the paint selection process to achieve stunning and long-lasting results.

When considering a fresh coat of exterior paint, it’s essential to factor in the local weather conditions that can affect the longevity and durability of the paint job. Overland Park experiences diverse weather patterns, from snowy winters to hot and humid summers, making it crucial to choose an exterior paint finish that can withstand these elements effectively. Reliable exterior home painters in Overland Park advises homeowners to prioritize weather-resistant and water-resistant finishes to protect their homes from moisture damage and ensure the paint remains vibrant and intact over time.

Additionally, harmonizing your exterior paint color with neighboring houses can enhance your home’s curb appeal and create a cohesive look within the community, especially if you have plans to sell your home in the future. Trusting expert advice and taking the time to test actual paint samples rather than relying solely on printed color swatches can lead to a successful and visually appealing exterior paint transformation for your home in Overland Park.


Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park


Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park Assist in Selecting Paint Colors

Exterior home painters in Overland Park understand how difficult the task of choosing which exterior paint works best for your home can be. Several factors influence the color, type, and finish of paint you choose, with many small details that could slip your mind. Taking your time to select exterior paint is vital; a wrong choice could lead to a costly fix.

At Residential Solutions, we take pride in being a leading exterior house painter in Overland Park, and we want to help keep your home looking its best. If the exterior of your house appears lackluster and in need of a refresh, ponder the idea of applying a fresh coat of paint to breathe new life into its appearance. However, before making a purchase decision on a new can of paint, take a moment to consider a few key aspects to ensure a successful outcome.


Always Factor in the Weather Before Making Plans!

According to trusted exterior home painters in Overland Park, winters can be filled with snow and ice, and the Kansas summers can be hot and humid. When choosing new exterior paint for your home, remember this: heavy rain and relentless sunlight can take a toll on your home’s appearance. Opt for a heat-resistant finish to combat these challenges effectively. Excessive moisture exposure can make your paint swell and crack, resulting in unsightly issues like blistering and flaking. For those worried about this, a water-resistant finish is a wise investment.


Explore the Colors of Neighboring Houses!

An exterior painter in Overland Park suggests picking an exterior color that goes well with the rest of the neighborhood. When you are planning to repaint your home with the intention of selling it, it becomes crucial to consider the overall aesthetic appeal. Prospective buyers often seek a property that harmonizes well with the surrounding neighborhood, making it wise to select paint colors that complement those of neighboring houses. By aligning your paint choices with the prevalent tones in the area, you can enhance the curb appeal of your home and attract potential buyers looking for a seamless blend within the community.


Avoid picking a paint color from the printed sample—get ready for some surprises!

According to a trusted residential exterior painter in Overland Park, you should never choose a new exterior paint color based solely on the printed color samples. Instead, you should ask for actual paint samples from a hardware store and paint them onto your home. This will provide you with a clear visualization of how the paint will appear once it has completely dried. Additionally, it aids in guaranteeing that you select a color that truly resonates with your preferences.

There are numerous things to remember when choosing a new exterior paint color for your home. You should never choose a paint color from a printed color sample, and always consider the color of your neighbors’ houses. An Overland Park residential exterior painter suggests taking your time and carefully considering all of these factors when choosing new paint for your home. 


Residential Solutions – Interior and Exterior Painters in Overland Park


Residential Solutions: locally owned and operated since 2006. Our painting company in Overland Park are masters of the brush, creating stunning interiors and exteriors in Johnson County’s finest communities. We’ve got you covered from Gardner to Olathe, Lenexa to Leawood, Shawnee to Overland Park (and beyond)! Owned by the dynamic duo of Craig Anderson and Coby Feris, the Residential Solutions team, the best exterior home painters in Overland Park offers top-notch service and prices that won’t break the bank.


Exterior Home Painters in Overland Park


Premium Paint Options? You betcha! The best residential interior painter in Overland Park has partnered with Sherwin-Williams, purveyors of the finest paint in the land. Choose between Resilience Premium Paint with a 25-year warranty or Duration Paint with a lifetime guarantee. The painters in Overland Park are here to help you make the best choice for your needs.

Once you’ve made your decision, our exterior house painter in Overland Park will work their magic. Prep work, paint application, and cleanup? The Overland Park residential exterior house painter has got it all covered. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the amazing transformation of your home’s curb appeal and interior. Trust our many services, from deck staining in Overland Park to cabinet refinishing in Overland Park to give your home the makeover it deserves. You won’t believe the difference premium paint can make!