Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: Should You Paint Your Trim or Your Walls 1st?Painting is a big task, especially if you don’t have any prior experience. While big projects should be left to a professional interior home painter in Overland Park, you should be able to paint a wall on your own. However, it might be difficult to know where to start if you have never painted before.
At Residential Solutions, a trusted painting company of interior home painters in Overland Park, we want to help your home look its best. We know that it’s important to follow all the proper steps when painting your home. One question painters always hear is, “do I paint my trim or my walls first?”
So, Which One Do You Paint First?
According to interior home painters in Overland Park, the best place to start painting is your home’s trim. There are more benefits to starting with the trim than the walls, and your project should go smoother.
Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: Benefits of Starting with the Trim
House painters in Overland Park typically start their painting projects at the trim. You need to complete your project in a way that will save you time but still look professional. Some benefits of painting the trim before your walls are:
- It’s more practical to focus on the fine lines of the wall color after the trim is painted
- Painter’s tape is easier to take off the trim than the walls
- Trim is easier to protect from paint splatters and drips than walls are

Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: Can You Paint the Walls First?
Technically, you could paint your interior walls before your trim. According to home painters in Overland Park, there are no set rules for how to paint your home’s exterior, just techniques that tend to work better for most people.
Interior Home Painters in Overland Park: What Would Happen if I Painted My Home’s Walls First?
While painting your walls first isn’t a big problem, it could make painting your trim a bit more difficult. Once you start painting your home’s trim, you will have to line painter’s tape perfectly along the outer edge to ensure you don’t get any trim paint on the wall. It’s also easier to remove the tape from trim than walls. If you pull too fast, you can easily rip the paint off your wall.
While there is no one correct answer about where you should start painting your home’s interior, starting with the trim tends to work better for most painters. The trim is easier to cover than walls, making it ideal to end with. It’s also easier to remove painter’s tape from trims than it is to remove it from walls.

Are You Looking to Hire a Leading Interior Home Painter in Overland Park?
Residential Solutions – Interior and Exterior Painters in Overland Park
Residential Solutions: locally owned and operated since 2006. Our interior home painters in Overland Park are masters of the brush, creating stunning interiors and exteriors in Johnson County’s finest communities. From Gardner to Olathe, Lenexa to Leawood, Shawnee to Overland Park (and beyond), we’ve got you covered! Owned by the dynamic duo of Craig Anderson and Coby Feris, the Residential Solutions team, the best exterior home painters in Overland Park offers top-notch service and prices that won’t break the bank.
Premium Paint Options? You betcha! The best residential interior painter in Overland Park has partnered with Sherwin-Williams, purveyors of the finest paint in the land. Choose between Resilience Premium Paint with a 25-year warranty or Duration Paint with a lifetime guarantee. The painters in Overland Park are here to help you make the best choice for your needs.
Once you’ve made your decision, our exterior house painter in Overland Park will work their magic. Prep work, paint application, and cleanup? The Overland Park residential exterior house painter has got it all covered. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the amazing transformation of your home’s curb appeal and interior. Trust the best exterior and interior painters in Overland Park to give your home the makeover it deserves. You won’t believe the difference premium paint can make!